Ranzikhil Marble Quarry
Maidan Wardak Province, Afghanistan
The Ranzikhil Marble Quarry is located in the Maidan Wardak province, located 100 kilometers from the Natural Stone Company’s factories in Kabul.
The marble formation consists of thick bedded outcrops with each layer offering individual coloration different from the next. The quarry operators use their knowledge and expertise to identify, extract, and isolate the specific shades of white and gray to guarantee an excellent chromatic color consistency in the slabs and tiles.
The stone contains a pure calcium carbonate composition which creates an unusually high-quality marble of fine-to-medium grain texture. The finished colour of the slabs and tiles is generally gray white with some finished product accented with dark gray stripes.
The marble in this deposit is very compact, free from naturally occurring joints or cracks, which allow large blocks to be extracted and processed into larger than industry standard slab sizes. Current production capability is approximately 1,000 metric tons per month.